Circle Time

Yoga Program

My name is Leah Roberts and I’ve had the pleasure of instructing your children’s yoga practice this year. As the school year closes, I’d like to provide you some information about the yoga we did this year and some ways you can encourage their practice this summer and beyond. Breathing in specific ways has the ability…

Art Show is Upon Us!

Our teachers, children and Art Show committee are hard at work on preparing and collaborating for our annual Art Show fundraiser on Thursday, April 19, 2018 at the International Museum of Art. Your child’s artwork will be professionally displayed in the museum for two weeks. The show is kicked off with a dressy

Teaching Children Gratitude

There is strong research that being able to recognize and express feelings of gratitude is incredibly important for all of us. In fact, being grateful can lead to improved health and more happiness. Adults who are adept at practicing gratitude also enjoy...

How Can My Child Have A Successful Educational Foundation?

As parents, we always want what is best for our children. Our approach to supporting parents is based on the belief that parents are the true experts on their children, and that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to raising children.

A Day in the Life of Ms. Sandoval

A Day in the Life of Ms. Sandoval

I’m Lila Sandoval, a teacher at First Presbyterian Preschool. In our last email, my colleague Ms. Charlene shared what a typical day in her classroom is like. Today, I’d like to tell you about a typical day in the life of one of the teachers here at First Presbyterian.  

A Day in the Life in Ms. Charlene’s Pre-K Class

A Day in the Life in Ms. Charlene’s Pre-K Class

I’m Ms. Charlene, one of the teachers here at First Presbyterian Preschool. Today I’d like to tell you a little bit about what a typical day looks like in my pre-kindergarten classroom. At First Presbyterian Preschool, children are viewed as being capable...

Be Inspired by a Different Way to Learn

First Presbyterian Preschool

First Presbyterian Preschool

1340 Murchison Drive, El Paso, TX, USA
